Blizzard vient de publier à l'instant les notes de la mise à jour 24.2 pour Hearthstone. Ce patch sera disponible le 30 août 2022 et il apporte essentiellement des nouveautés pour le mode Champs de bataille.
Par l'intermédiaire de cet article, nous apprenons aussi le retour du bras de fer héroïque, le 14 septembre 2022. Cette mise à jour annonce aussi l'arrivée des pierres runiques, une nouvelle monnaie qui remplace les achats en argent réel.
Vous pouvez retrouver l'intégralité des nouveautés dans la suite de cet article. Notez que la version française n'est pas encore disponible.
Patch 24.2, launching on August 30, starts Battlegrounds Season 2! It also brings with it Mercenaries updates, bug fixes, and more.
On August 30, Battlegrounds Ratings will reset, and the new season of Battlegrounds will begin. With the new season, Battlegrounds will now have its own Battlegrounds Track, featuring Battlegrounds-specific Rewards you can earn as you play! This Season, the Rewards feature the anime-inspired “Magic of Azeroth” theme.
The Battlegrounds Track features tons of free Battlegrounds rewards, but you can purchase the Season Pass to immediately unlock +2 Hero Choices and the ability to earn even more rewards throughout the season. The Season Pass can be purchased in-game with Runestones, Hearthstone’s new virtual currency. Runestones can be purchased through both the in-game shop and the Battlenet web shop, once Patch 24.2 goes live. During the transition period for this first season, the Season Pass can also be purchased with money directly, either in-game or through the Battlenet web shop.
Earn your Rewards even faster by completing new Battlegrounds Missions. Battlegrounds Missions are like Battlegrounds-specific Weekly Quests that grant a lot more Battlegrounds XP. These will be offered in addition to the normal Hearthstone Daily and Weekly Quests that all players will continue to get. You get three Battlegrounds Missions per week. They can be re-rolled and they are automatically banked until the end of the Season if you don’t complete them right away.
You can learn more about the Battlegrounds Track, the Season Pass, Runestones, and Battlegrounds Missions, including everything that’s including in the Battlegrounds Track and Season Pass, in the Season 2 Announcement Blog.
Season 2 will also introduce a new game mechanic to Battlegrounds: Quests! Like the traditional Hearthstone Quests and Questlines, Battlegrounds Quests require you to meet a particular condition in order to earn a reward that will empower you for the rest of the game.
In Battlegrounds, Quests have their own unique twist. Instead of starting the game with your Quest, your Quest options will appear on turn 4 (the 6 Gold turn). And instead of getting the same Quest and Quest Reward every game, you pick them from three options at that time. You are choosing both your Quest and the Reward for completing it as a pair, so choose carefully! Once you complete your quest, you automatically receive your Reward.
There are about 13 different Quest options and 24 different Reward options that are available in any given game (certain Quests and Rewards are blocked from particular lobbies or Heroes to prevent unwanted synergies).
The Quest options represent the baseline requirements you will need to complete in order to receive your Reward (subject to some adjustments, discussed below):
These are the types of Rewards you can earn for completing your Quests:
The Quests and Rewards are randomly paired together. The numbers in these Quests vary based on which Reward they are paired with, based on how juicy the Reward is. The less powerful Rewards will make your Quest easier to complete and the more powerful Rewards will make the Quest harder to complete. There are also small adjustments based on your hero’s Armor Tier (slightly harder for heroes with less Armor, slightly easier for heroes with more Armor).
Battlegrounds Quests will last until the end of Season 2. You can learn more about Battlegrounds Quests and Quest Rewards in the Battlegrounds Quests Mechanic blog.
Murloc Holmes (Armor Tier 2)
Sire Denathrius (Armor Tier 1)
These two new heroes will be offered in every lobby for the first two weeks following the patch.
Rakinishu (Tavern Lightning)
Patchwerk (All Patched Up)
Vanndarr Stormpike (Lead the Stormpikes)
Drek’Thar (Lead the Frostwolves)
Aranna Starseeker (Spectral Sight)
Fungalmancer Flurgl (Gone Fishing)
Skycap’n Kragg (Piggy Bank)
Picky Eater [Tavern Tier 1, Demon]
Mind Muck [Tavern Tier 2, Demon]
Piggyback Imp [Tavern Tier 2, Demon]
Nether Drake [Tavern Tier 2, Dragon]
Amber Guardian [Tavern Tier 3, Dragon]
Legion Overseer [Tavern Tier 3, Demon]
First Mate Pip [Tavern Tier 3, Pirate]
Treasure-Seeker Elise [Tier 4]
Rendle the Mistermind [Tavern Tier 4]
Tortollan Blue Shell [Tavern Tier 5]
Tea Master Theotar [Tavern Tier 6]
King Krush
Cariel Roame
Blink Fox
Fathom-Lord Karathress
Cornelius Roame
Heroic Brawliseum is returning on September 14, and this time it is taking a walk on the Wild side! Get your best Wild deck together, because for one week you can face stiff competition to earn top prizes! It won’t be easy, but the victors will be greatly rewarded.
Runestones are Hearthstone’s new virtual currency. You can purchase Runestones with money and then use them just like you would use money for almost all Hearthstone products, across all modes. The costs of products aren’t changing, their prices are just being converted to Runestones. One benefit of this changes is that it allows us to offer smaller-scale items in the shop, like individual Skins or Battlegrounds Emotes, that would previously have had to have been bundled together with other items.
Hearthstone leaderboards are getting an update! The leaderboards for Standard, Wild, Classic, Battlegrounds, and Mercenaries will now have live updates (currently, they refresh in intervals of 5-10 minutes). All leaderboards will also now select from Season number (like Battlegrounds currently does), instead of a month and year. Finally, there’s no longer a limit to how many people can be shown on those leaderboards. For Standard, Wild, and Classic, this means that all Legend-rank players will be listed. You’re all leaderboard finishers in our book!
In-game player reporting is now live for all players. You can now report friends, current opponents, and past opponents from the friends list menu. Grounds for reporting include inappropriate names, inappropriate chats, and inappropriate gameplay. Now we can all work together to make sure the tavern is a safe and inviting place for everybody to play!
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