Citation de Gaara92iJ'ai l'Acer Iconia A810 et ça tourne plutôt bien dessus :)
Working but slightly laggy or glitchy: (but you can always play all your games)
(Note: Most of the reported lag is only in the menu (same with PCs and Ipads) and some animation. I suspect that Blizzard may fix that in a future update) You can really play Hearthstone very well on most of those devices! Seriously, if Blizzard fix the little lag in menu and some animation, most of those tablets would belong to the "working flawlessly" section! That's a lot of tablets!
- 127 message(s)
06 Jan 2015, 13:19Grade Bronze
voila maintenant que hearthstone est officiellement supporté sur tous les supports je cherche une petite tablette pas trop chère qui servira uniquement à ça (et pour regarder des films/séries accessoirement).
J'y connais rien donc si vous pouvez m'aiguiller.
Merci :)