Bug ou indice sur la prochaine extension

Tout ce qui concerne Hearthstone de près ou de loin.

  • 43 message(s)
12 Juil 2015, 17:04
voilà à l'instant sur la version mobile de hs en revenant sur le springboard pour Check mes mails voici ce que j'ai eu en revenant dans hs

  • 1994 message(s)
12 Juil 2015, 17:08
ah oui effectivement bizarre :)
  • 3582 message(s)
12 Juil 2015, 17:14
Si c'est un indice tout le monde est susceptible de l'avoir, non ?

Suffit donc que quelqu'un d'autre rencontre ce "bug" très étrange pour confirmer qu'en faite cela n'en est pas un; mais bien un indice.
  • 2272 message(s)
12 Juil 2015, 17:19
En tout cas, ce serait cool d'avoir 12 emplacement de decks, sans doute un des nouvelles nouveautés et qui ne ferait pas de mal.
"glue_tournament" Aha !
  • 3582 message(s)
12 Juil 2015, 17:27
Apparemment tu n'es pas un cas isolé de se que j'ai pu voir ailleurs.

J'ai trouvé ça sur reddit:

"If you look in the Hearthstone > Strings > enUs folder you'll find a file called GLUE.txt. This file basically maps a certain placeholder to a text, to make translating the game easier.
Anyway, if you search for GLUE_TOURNAMENT in this file, you'll find it maps to 'Play'. There's also GLUE_TOURNAMENT_RANKED and GLUE_TOURNAMENT_CASUAL, along with some older stuff that refers back to the old Ranked/Unranked and medals system.
So, sadly, to burst your bubble; TOURNAMENT in this case is just a replacement for Play mode.
You can replace the text in this file to make the UI say whatever you want, like tricking yourself you're participating in a tournament.
Changing GLUE_TOURNAMENT also changes the name of Play mode on the main menu.
You might remember that you can change the type of opponent the 'finding opponent spinner' lands on, that's also done in this file. (Search for GLUE_SPINNER, the worthy opponent one is above that)."

de hetoord sur http://www.reddit.com/r/hearthstone/com ... obile_app/

Donc c'est probablement juste lié aux ranked.
  • 2272 message(s)
12 Juil 2015, 17:32
Citation de BananazeApparemment tu n'es pas un cas isolé de se que j'ai pu voir ailleurs.

J'ai trouvé ça sur reddit:

"If you look in the Hearthstone > Strings > enUs folder you'll find a file called GLUE.txt. This file basically maps a certain placeholder to a text, to make translating the game easier.
Anyway, if you search for GLUE_TOURNAMENT in this file, you'll find it maps to 'Play'. There's also GLUE_TOURNAMENT_RANKED and GLUE_TOURNAMENT_CASUAL, along with some older stuff that refers back to the old Ranked/Unranked and medals system.
So, sadly, to burst your bubble; TOURNAMENT in this case is just a replacement for Play mode.
You can replace the text in this file to make the UI say whatever you want, like tricking yourself you're participating in a tournament.
Changing GLUE_TOURNAMENT also changes the name of Play mode on the main menu.
You might remember that you can change the type of opponent the 'finding opponent spinner' lands on, that's also done in this file. (Search for GLUE_SPINNER, the worthy opponent one is above that)."

de hetoord sur http://www.reddit.com/r/hearthstone/com ... obile_app/

Donc c'est probablement juste lié aux ranked.

Rabbat-joie mdr
  • 3582 message(s)
12 Juil 2015, 17:33
J'aime détruire tout espoir, je sais.

De rien <3
Ho le vilain !

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